Socially Motivated

Being Similar But Different To Others

Jake Walker

Thanks for tuning in to the Social Motivated podcast; on this episode, we discuss the concept of understanding your purpose in life when it comes to differences and comparison to other people.

Improving your mental health and daily mindset is an essential aspect that many people tend to overlook. This podcast helps people struggling with general anxiety, social anxiety, depression, self-love, ADHD, and other related mental health conditions find ways to overcome these invisible barriers that hold them back.  Everyone deserves to be happy; everyone has a purpose, everyone has something to offer!

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Intro music: Motivational Corporate - Medium1 by Lite Saturation is licensed under a Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

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Introduction music:
Intro music: Motivational Corporate - Medium1 by Lite Saturation is licensed under a Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

 Hello. Welcome to the Socially Motivated Podcast. I'm your host, Jake Walker. This podcast is 100% all about bettering your mindset in mental health. This podcast main objective is to help reduce the stigma around mental illness and mental health conditions by sharing my personal journey and experiences.

Do you want to become happier or make your daily life better by changing your. Perception and mindset in your daily life. If you said yes to any of this, please continue listening to this podcast to see if I can help you in any way on your journey to improving your mindset and mental health. So let's get started.

On today's episode, we're gonna be discussing a topic or a little bit of a broad topic. You might be sitting here reading the description and the topic of this episode, and you're being like, What does that mean? All right, so we are all the same, but different. What? Why would I even discuss this on a mental health and mindset podcast?

Well, here's where I want you to understand, for you to understand your situation in life, to have a broad spectrum of understanding the whole meaning and purpose of what you do in life Now. Me as a human being, being able to tell everyone what their meaning and purpose is, is just completely and utterly just impossible, and I can't even just say about myself.

So here's how I want to kind of discuss this topic, and you'll understand a little bit later what the purpose is of this podcast is gonna be, or this episode I should say. So you will look at it this. Certain phrase of we are all the same but different. So let's take a very quick look at how are we all the same?

We are all human beings. We all were conceived at one point in time. Then, you know, it got to the point where we were about to be born. Once we were born, we were, you know, a newborn. We were learning our new skills. We were learning our. You know how to do everything basically. It was a whole new world for us.

And then you got to, you know, your K through 12 grades. You woke up, you went to school, you, you know, got off of school, you had a, you know, choir, a practice, or you had a band practice, or you played a sport or some other activity, and then you went to bed. And then once you got to high school, you kind of thought you knew everything.

You thought you knew your purpose, your meaning. You just, you were a know-it-all, and then you got to college, or you got out of high school and you went straight to your career, and now all of a sudden you are going through life of waking up, going to work, paying your taxes. Taking care of your kids or just have some like hobby and then you go to bed.

It's just a rinse and repeat cycle. So when you were a kid, it was going to school, you know, do a little activity, go to bed, and basically vice versa of being an adult. And you sit there and you go through the motions of the day and you never sit there or. You never just stop and you know, hear if you heard the phrase, stop and smell the roses.

So the biggest thing about it is we are all humans. We all want to be happy. We all wanna make our money, we all wanna do a certain thing. We all have, you know, aspirations. They might be different, but we all have aspirations. We all have, you know, some type of purpose and meaning in life. So basically that sums it up.

Pretty well for us, and it kind of really even not just sums it up, but it really gives a full meaning of you, your friends, your family members, your significant other, what other whatever has, you know, you're basically the same. You're human beings. You have one desired purpose or one desired kind of purpose in life is to, you know, wake up, go to your job.

Do a certain task and then go to sleep. We all kind of go off of a rinse repeat cycle. So the other thing that you need to understand is the differences. What makes you different from other people? Well, that's pretty broad of a topic, but to kind of take a short stint and start look into it is we're all different because we have different.

Beliefs. We know if it's religion, if it's being in a different race, if it's being. A different sex, a different gender. We all have a different mindset. We all have a different purpose in life. You know, there might be someone that's really good with their hands and they're really good at building stuff.

There might be someone that's really good at, you know, with animals and they really enjoy that. So that's the differences that, you know, is a good glimpse into. The full definition of this. So we are all the same. We are human beings. We all have this purpose and meaning in life. What is that purpose? Now, you might sit there and go your entire life, you might be starting to retire, and you might sit there and still be like, I still don't know what the purpose is.

I still don't know what my meaning is. Did I leave an impact? Did I leave a mark on this world? And for me? I can't tell you that you have or you have not. Now, the biggest thing is to be able to break this down. If you are sitting there right now and you sit there and scratch your head and you're just like, yeah, I don't know what my purpose is.

You might sit there and never fully understand it, but if you can sit there and have a glimpse and understand that you don't have to be the same as other people. You know, you could have it to where your life is as happy as it could be. You are doing everything possible to, you know, make the most of your life, make the most of your situation, your purpose, your meaning in how you want to go about, you know, living out your life.

So, You might be sitting there now and being like, Hey Jake, what does this have to do about, uh, you know, bettering your mindset? Or what does that have to do about a mental health PO podcast? And here's where I'm gonna explain a little bit deeper into it, is, you know, in this, in your life, you are gonna compare yourselves to others.

You might go on social media and you might compare yourself to your friends that you follow, the, the celebrities that you follow, the, you know, bands or organizations that you follow. You're gonna compare yourself. You might not solely be, you know, or fully be aware of it, but. Your sole purpose has been to compare yourself to see if you're doing exactly what others are doing.

If you're not doing a certain trend, if you're not taking the photos that other people are taking, you feel like you are putting yourself in a corner that you can't get out, get out of. So, It's not just social media as well, it's in real life. You might sit there and walk outside your house, outside your apartment, and you might look at your neighbor's yard, or you might look at your neighbor's car and you see that they have a better car than you.

You see that their yard is much nicer, they have better decor, and you might sit there and really kind of be angered or disgusted that like you feel like you haven't made it yet you, you haven't done what they have done and. That's never gonna make you feel good. That's never gonna make you feel like you've are doing your purpose in your life.

And that's going to diminish your mental health. That's going to diminish your mindset of trying to be positive, trying to make your life better every day. So this is a really kind of take a simple break of understanding. Hey, we are all the same. We are all humans. We all have. Different types of purposes in this world.

We all have different types of meanings and how we get things done and accomplished, and understanding that these differences might be very vague. They might be very small. In today's society, we are all shooting for the same goal. We're all trying to be in that cookie cutter world where we're just trying to live out our lives to be happy.

And to find a meaning of why we are on this planet. The whole point of this episode really is to shine a light on, like, you are the same as everyone else, but you are very different. It's okay to be different. You don't have to follow everyone's footsteps. If that's your family's, if it's a certain job that you have, if it's a certain career, if it's a certain way that you.

Perceive that others are doing their lives. Is it okay? It's really to shine a light on how we should be looking at our lives in our, our lens, not how other people perceive it. And that's a very, very strong message to kind of bring across to people that are struggling with, you know, having a better mindset on a daily basis, or your mental health or anxiety or depression.

So this message really is kind of share a context and share a very small glimpse into understanding that you can sit there and smell the roses every once in a while and understand that it's okay to not know your full potential, not to be upset that you've are not where other people are.

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